
A Push to Promote Mom and Pop Stores

April 28, 2009
George Pyle
The Buffalo News

A holiday sales promotion sponsored by groups of Buffalo-area retailers highlights the benefits of “Mom and Pop” retailers to their neighborhoods. But it is also the rare alliance of eight local business associations that stands out to the organizers and participants of the “Love Your Mom and Pop” buy-local campaign.

“We have to take care of our neighborhoods, but we have to have a strong regional economy,” said Amy Kedron, executive director of the buy-local organization Buffalo First, explaining the unusual alliance.

Putting aside any rivalry they may have felt in the past, the local business organizations have joined to encourage those seeking gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to shop in locally owned, independent stores.

In addition to Buffalo First, participants include the Elmwood Village Association, the Greater South Buffalo Chamber of Commerce, the Grant-Amherst Association, the Hertel North Buffalo Business Association, the Grant-Ferry Association, the Allentown Association and the Williamsville Business Association.

Among the participants is Talking Leaves Books, which has stores on Main Street and on Elmwood Avenue. Talking Leaves owner Jonathon Welch said that Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are among the top 10 gift-giving holidays, far behind Christmas and even Halloween. But the motivation for the promotion is to capitalize on the image of small businesses— those owned by “Mom and Pop.” The alliance of neighborhood associations, Welch said, is a welcome attempt for each to look beyond their own environs. “We’re working together to improve all our lots.” Central to the promotion is the theory that money spent in independent, locally owned retailers keeps three times more money in the local economy, as compared to money spent in big chain stores that gets siphoned off to the faraway ownerships. So three — such as buy three, get one free, or buy three, get 30 percent off an additional purchase — is a common theme.

A list of participating merchants and the promotions they offer is at . Specials are to be offered starting Friday through Mother’s Day, May 10, and again June 12 through Father’s Day, June 21. Kedron said that small businesses not only provide jobs and economic activity, but also serve as a social safety net for their neighborhoods.

“They are literally the spine of the body,” she said, noting how healthy business corridors such as Allen Street or Hertel Avenue keep their surrounding neighborhoods vital.